Meet the FY24 Board Nominees

Board Nominee Profiles  Read up on your WGM Board nominees before the Annual Meeting vote opens. The nominees provided a bit of information about themselves, and what skills, interests, and experience they bring to the Board if elected. The bios [...]

2023-06-16T15:05:02-06:00June 16th, 2023|News|

Join Us on August 26 to Celebrate and Honor Karen Searle

Artist Celebration: Karen SearleFriday, August 26: 1pm-3pm Karen Searle, Here I Come To Save The Day, 2022, wire lace sculpture, 27” x 27”Photo by Peter Lee We’re delighted to share that Here I Come to Save the Day, a work by longtime Guild member Karen Searle, is being acquired by a major [...]

2022-08-22T21:06:54-06:00August 22nd, 2022|News|
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