The Weavers Guild partners with local fiber and community based organizations who share our goal of supporting community through fiber art practice and education.

Minnesota State Fair: Creative Activities Department

Minnesota State Fair: WGM sponsored awards

The Creative Activities Department of the Minnesota State Fair showcases needlework, woodworking, baking, canning and a wide selection of fiber art techniques and traditions including weaving and spinning.  The Weavers Guild sponsors special prizes to reward excellence in weaving and spinning (found under “Handcrafts”). We sponsor these awards in recognition of the quality, creativity and workmanship exhibited. 

See the current Creative Activities Competition Entry Handbook for rules and regulations.

2024 Handcrafts Awards sponsored by the Weavers Guild of Minnesota, with a prize of $25 each

  • Best fine-weight hand-spun yarn
  • Best medium-weight hand-spun yarn
  • Best bulky-weight hand-spun yarn
  • Best use of color in a woven or rya rug
  • Best use of texture in “woven” wearable items
  • Best use of color in “woven” wearable items
  • Best use of texture in “woven” non-wearable items
  • Best use of color in “woven” non-wearable items
  • Best overall woven item
  • Best “first” woven item; exhibitor must indicate “first-time State Fair entrant” on entry form
  • Best represents the mission of the Weavers Guild of Minnesota

Minnesota State Fair: Creative Activities Department

Daily demonstrations of Weaving and Spinning

The Creative Activities Department of the Minnesota State Fair showcases needlework, woodworking, baking, canning and a wide selection of fiber art techniques and traditions including weaving and spinning.  

The Weavers Guild of Minnesota holds a permanent demonstration space in the Creative Activities Building, where guild volunteers offer daily demonstrations of weaving and spinning and engage with fairgoers throughout all 12 days of the Minnesota State Fair. More than 65 members volunteer at the fair, making it WGM’s largest annual volunteer event.

Shepherd’s Harvest Sheep and Wool Festival

Demonstrations of Weaving and Spinning

Shepherd’s Harvest (Washington County Fairgrounds, Lake Elmo) is the largest event of its kind in Minnesota! What started as a sheep and wool product showcase has grown into a family-friendly festival with classes, herding events, wool and fiber producers, and fiber artists. Regional shepherds, artisans, and guilds come together to connect fiber enthusiasts with supplies, locally-produced goods, and skill-building opportunities.

The Weavers Guild of Minnesota offers demonstrations of spinning and weaving, along with answering questions about local resources, educational opportunities, and places to donate your used weaving and spinning equipment. 8-12 guild volunteers participant in this annual event.