Interested in weaving or spinning? You’ve come to the right place.
At the Weavers Guild of Minnesota (WGM), we teach people how to spin and weave, offering a variety of techniques on various equipment. The Guild offers classes both in-person at the Weavers Guild and online, with opportunities to learn in a non-competitive and supportive environment.
Guild membership is open to anyone interested in weaving and spinning, with a discount offered for those aged 30 and under. Guild members save 10% on class/workshop registration and have access to equipment, small group meetings (Interest Groups), library privileges and more. Sign up online or join in person.
At our space in Minneapolis, we have dedicated classrooms and a workspace with looms, spinning wheels, and other tools. The guild shop sells specialty equipment, books, yarn and other fiber supplies. Shop for your next project–or take a brief tour of our space–during store hours.
Sign up for our Monthly Newsletter to hear about class opportunities, events and talks, and shop sales. Visit us and be inspired!
Preserving and advancing the arts of weaving, spinning, and dyeing.
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Weds 10am-5pm
Thurs 10am-7pm
Fri 10am-5pm
Sat 10am-5pm
Located inside the Open Book building
1011 Washington Ave South
Suite 350–third floor
Minneapolis, MN 55415
ADA Accessible, Reserved Parking
Typical Closure Dates Include
Thanksgiving + the Friday and Saturday that follow
Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Memorial Day week
Independence Day
Labor Day and the day following