A Peek Into the Guild Archives

2025-02-05T12:51:07-06:00February 5th, 2025|News|

by Francie Iverson and Lynne Schneider The Weavers Guild of Minnesota has always valued preserving its history. In the early years a member volunteer served the role of the guild historian in charge of collecting and keeping items that eventually [...]

Review: Reverse Drafting Club

2024-12-24T19:28:33-06:00December 24th, 2024|News|

by Guild Member Ann Fox Do you find yourself staring at the jacket of the person in front of you in line, wondering how the fabric is made? Or trying to puzzle out the woven towel or placemat that you [...]

Card Weaving:  Ready to try it again?

2024-12-10T20:15:49-06:00December 10th, 2024|News|

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. — Alvin Toffler by Guild Member Shirley McKee At the 2016 Minnesota State Fair, Keith Pierce wove [...]

Towels for Sale in the WGM Shop!!

2024-09-27T15:14:16-06:00September 27th, 2024|News|

"Viking Twill" Towels by Lisa-Anne Bauch Last summer, WGM and ASI collaborated on a weaving workshop with faculty from the acclaimed Sätergläntan Institute for Craft and Handwork in Sweden. The Guild's Education Manager Betsy Konop asked the Scandinavian Weavers Group [...]

Partner Spotlight: Minnesota Digital Library

2024-05-14T17:12:31-06:00April 30th, 2024|News|

Explore Weavers Guild History Online By Stephanie Hess, MDL Digital Curator The Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) contains digitized content from Minnesota’s cultural heritage organizations in a single website. Over 200 participating organizations, including the Weavers Guild of Minnesota, have contributed [...]

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