The Banditos group is studying double-faced card weaving. It’s a technique that produces warp-faced two-color bands with patterns that show up on the reverse side in complementary colors. Several members have made great progress. One participant even started designing patterns for a lettered band. Impressive!
Next month we’ll learn how to continuously warp a band for double-faced weaving. The method greatly reduces the time it takes to prepare a warp. Renowned card weaver Linda Hendrickson describes it as “10-minute” warping. We’ll see…
The group has begun to discuss color choices for this year’s state fair ribbons. Choosing colors is fun but it almost seems as hard as the actual weaving and assembly.
Member news:
* Laurie is in Calcutta, India, teaching ukulele and band-weaving to girls in a home for women rescued from trafficking. She hopes that some of the girls can earn income by weaving pieces that Laurie can incorporate into her business. She’s managed to attend our Zoom meetings (sitting in near-darkness) and give us updates on her progress. Her stories about the women are inspiring but also devastating, revealing hints of the terrible abuse these girls endured.
About: The Banditos Interest group is interested in exploring any form of band weaving or braiding. No experience is necessary. We meet the second Thursday of the month, 10am until noon on Zoom. The group is led by weaver Keith Pierce. To join, request membership through our page (Join WGM’s page first, then select Banditos). To learn more about the State Fair ribbon project, email Keith.