The Archive Committee has been copying our guild newsletters to a digital format, starting with the Threadbenders (December 1968–June 1975) and then The Minnesota Weaver (from September 1975). The early Minnesota Weavers included many useful articles including “Of Fiber” (by Cathy Ingebretsen), “Frame Loominations” (by Mary Temple), and “From Woods and Fields” (by Connie Magoffin).
You can read these articles and the rest of the newsletters that have been digitized so far by clicking on the links (note: all of the links will open the entire newsletter rather than individual articles, so page numbers are listed for easier navigation to the articles). While you’re on the digital site, scroll further down to see links to other types of Weavers Guild items have been digitized, or click on ‘Minnesota Reflections’ at the top to go to the main page where you can browse other collections by contributor, subject, or format.
The base link for MDL is: