We want your WGM photos!
WGM turns 80 in the spring of 2020! For our 80th anniversary year, we are looking for photos and other memorabilia of significant events from our history. This includes the 50th anniversary celebration held at The Swedish Institute, State Fair guild demonstrations, visiting artist workshops, photos from classes, and offsite demonstration and events, to name a few. Help us celebrate our history!
Do you have photos or other memorabilia you are willing to donate to the WGM archive committee? If so, please send them to WGM, care of: Archives. Include a note identifying (to the best of your ability) the location, event, and people present in any photos. If you are unsure about your contribution, please contact Francie Iverson of WGM’s archive committee: jfiverson@comcast.net.
Thank you! –WGM Archive Committee