The classifieds is a FREE service provided by the Weavers Guild of Minnesota. Anyone can post or respond to ads on the site.
The classifieds are intended to facilitate:
Each ad is free and up for 90 days and includes space for one photo. All ads must be approved before publication.
The Classifieds are a public site, and are viewable by anyone. Protect yourself from scams and fraud and use good judgment when selling or making an offer on an item.
Read the full scam and fraud prevention tips from Craigslist, here.
The Weavers Guild of Minnesota does not sell, inspect, certify or warrant any of the equipment or goods listed for sale in the Classifieds section, nor does it make any investigation of, or warranty regarding, any buyer or seller, or their ability or desire to actually complete a transaction. WGM allows prospective sellers to place notices on this webpage, the accuracy of such notices is the sole responsibility of the seller. The Weavers Guild of Minnesota specifically disclaims any warranty as to the accuracy of data listed. Buyers should independently verify all information with the seller.
Floor/Table Loom (28)
General (2)
Portable/Frame/Rigid Heddle Loom (6)
Service (0)
Spinning Accessories (1)
Spinning Wheel (7)
Weaving Accessories (5)
Yarn, Fabric, Fiber (2)