New and Occasional Weavers (NOW) Group Meeting 

 Sunday, November 14, 2021:  1:00 to 2:30 pm, Via Zoom

 Meeting link:  The link will be posted on the WGM NOW page several days before the meeting. If you are not on, please email Arlene ( or Gerri ( for the link.

Topic:  Navigating is to weaving inspiration what Pinterest is to the crafter/DIYer. is a digital weaving archive with over 70,000 drafts, historic weaving documents, and so much more.

Gerri Barosso will give us an overview of this site, review some of the highlights, and guide us in how to search the site—for drafts and documents. Become more familiar with this incredible weaving resource.

Have your projects ready for Show and Tell. Also, consider posting your photos to the group on  (Reply to the e-mail thread and upload your photos.)

All members are welcome! Next meeting, December 12, 2021

About NOW: New and Occassional Weavers is an Interest Group devoted to sharing tips and tricks, techniques and tools. NOW is topic-specific and invites all interested guild members to attend that month’s meeting–without a committement to join the group. NOW’s presenters are usually WGM members, providing a “by-member, for-member” learning opprtunity. If you see a topic that interests you, join us for the meeting!