WGM staff wanted to do a special recognition of Jere Thompson as she leaves her role as membership chair. Jere has volunteered countless hours over the years in the area of WGM membership and we wanted to give her special recognition. Some highlights of Jere’s service include:

  • friendly and knowledgeable point of contact for new members, often answers questions from brand new members
  • managed the membership@weaversguildmn.org address
  • developed the letter to members who’ve joined in last 3 years, highlighting member resources and benefits
  • designed and conducted new member tours
  • created online powerpoint guild tour for out-metro members
  • extensive survey and analytics information development: collate results and recommendations from member surveys
  • website revision suggestions to keep membership benefits and the resource pages most needed by new members up-to-date
  • managed outreach to 30 & Under members
  • managed member meetings: member nametags, friendly welcome, welcome leis for new members
  • and etc., etc.! Jere is always willing to help.

WGM staff especially noticed this volunteer effort. Thank you so much, Jere!